"Ghosting" is a term that was initially coined to describe a dating phenomenon: when someone simply drops all contact instead of having a traditional “break-up” conversation. In other words, “ghosting” means getting flat-out ignored.
Today, “ghosting” doesn’t just happen in the dating world. It’s a prevalent trend in the Canadian job market. And for most people, it’s insulting. For employers, it also costs.
A quick Google search will bring up countless stories of job candidates receiving a job offer, only to receive no follow-up communication about onboarding. The same kind of stories exist from the other side of the coin, too. You may have heard of employers hiring a new staff member, only for them to be no-shows on what was supposed to be their first day on the job.
How to prevent candidate ghosting
"Ghosting" isn't new to the job market. Who it happens to just depends on the labour market at that point in time.
When there are more job seekers than open positions, candidates don't hear back from employers. But when there are more job vacancies than skilled candidates (as is the case in today’s tight labour market) job hunters have the advantage. Right now, employers are the ones hurting the most from the “ghosting” trend.
That said, there are things in their power they can do to prevent ghosting. Here’s how employers should consider revising their hiring strategy to avoid the “ghosting” phenomenon.
1. Hire faster
Is your hiring process typically 4 weeks long? Make it two. It may seem like a harsh solution, but right now, candidates are getting scooped up with instant employment offers and there’s all too much truth to the saying, “the early bird gets the worm”.
No matter how efficient you think your hiring process may be, there are likely still ways to streamline: try hosting a panel interview instead of separate one-on-one interviews, for example. It’s unlikely a high-calibre candidate is going to wait around for your HR department if another one is able to get a job offer letter in their hands faster.
2. Introduce flexibility
Many hiring processes involve personality or skill-testing assessments. That’s fine—these quizzes and tests can be helpful when you want to find a candidate that’s the right fit for your team. The problem isn’t tests like these, rather it’s the rigid scheduling that comes with them.
Many employers only allow candidates to take tests (online or in person) during standard business hours, and that’s an issue. In today’s market, you’ll be hard pressed to find a candidate willing to take an afternoon off work from their current job to participate in a 30-minute suitability test. If you must ask job candidates to perform assessments, be sure to give them multiple scheduling options (morning, afternoon and evening) so you increase the odds of their participation.
3. Overcommunicate
Set up many checkpoints throughout the hiring process. Even if it seems excessive, it’s far better to overcommunicate with a candidate than leave them in the dark.
Send interview reminders, interview follow-ups, and never assume that the hiring process is finished after the contract is signed. Many a candidate has been lured away by a more attractive offer, even after this seemingly final stage.
Never be far from your candidate’s inbox! You may even consider setting up a get-to-know you lunch or coffee before someone’s official first day. The more you’re in contact with the person and can develop a rapport with them, the less likely you are to be ghosted.
4. Flaunt the perks
If your company offers attractive benefits, make sure all your candidates know it. Do you have a show-stopping company culture? Express that in job ads, interviews and even emails. Do you consistently upskill and promote new hires? Don’t let a candidate walk away without telling them about their potential to climb the ladder at your place of work.
The best way to prevent candidates from leaving is simply to give them a great reason to stay! If they love the opportunity, they won’t want to ghost you.
Reduce candidate ghosting
Put simply, the solution to candidate ghosting is not a mysterious, elusive thing: it’s a sound, efficient hiring process. When you can offer a great gig, keep a candidate engaged, move them through each stage quickly and create positive interactions throughout, you’re almost guaranteed to reduce candidate ghosting.
In this candidate-driven market, take the time to re-evaluate your recruitment process. Determine if there are ways you can speed things up, introduce flexibility, communicate more and flaunt the good stuff.
With these 4 pillars in place, instead of being the ghosted employer, you’ll be the one snatching the best talent away from your competitors!
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